Monday, February 4, 2013

New Office

I am happy to announce that I have moved to a new office space.  I am in the same office complex, Bedford Heights but in a different building/suite: 80 Palomino Lane Suite 101.

I am sharing space with two great companies, Nutrition in Motion and New England Institute for Marriage and Family Therapy.   Kim Dorval owner  of Nutrition in Motion is also known as "dietician extroadinare,"  Kim is at the top of her game in helping others reach their health goals and understanding that food can be your medicine or your poison.

Evan Sorensen  is the owner of NEIMFT.    The New England Institute for Marriage and Family Therapy is a group psychotherapy practice dedicated to improving both individual and interpersonal quality of life in marriage and family systems.  Also in-house is Jill Plumer.  Jill has received additional specialized trainings in areas of trauma recovery, addiction recovery, anger management, couples therapy, stress management, and the treatment of cognitive disorders.

Lastly, we have a super friendly receptionist, Karen Merhalski.  She always has a smile to share and helps make my life easier allowing me to spend more time with patients.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Cleanse 2010!

Here we go again, on May 4th we begin yet another 3 week detoxification program. I am happy to say we have filled the program to its limit of 15, well I let 2 more join in last minute. I may have to find a bigger venue if the interest keeps growing. This is the 5th detox group since January of 2009.
Every time, I run the detox, I fine tune it ever so slightly as I want everyone to get the absolute best experience. I take products from several companies and combine them with my personalized lecture. The lectures are 2 hours in length. They are once a week for three weeks and the detox itself is three weeks in duration.
I cover biochemistry of the detox, how to green up your home, using foods as medicine as well as why and when should we shoose organic over conventional.
My detox program is not only a food plan but it also covers exercise, psychological components, lifestyle modification and home therapies to enhance the detox process.
AND the best deal........ once you pay to do the detox, you get to sit in for free from there on forward! Now thats a deal!
The next detox will be in September and then again in January. Email me if you would like to be placed on my email list (to be contacted when the next detox takes place)
I love seeing change take place especially in a group setting as it seems to be so much more powerful and full of energy!
Good night! Kristen ODell

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Resolve to Renew! 3 Week Detox Program January 2010

Resolve to Renew

Holiday parties, vacations, wine, appetizers, sweets and chocolates Oh my!

Time to clean up your diet and rejuvenate your health,

This is your opportunity to be guided through a 3 week program intended to help rejuvenate your body. This is a protocol based detoxification program to serve all lifestyles.

Using food as medicine, exercise and home therapies, we will embark on journey that will increase your energy, promote better sleep, improve digestion and may even rid you of some chronic symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, fatigue, digestive problems, mental dullness, to name a few.

This course will be comprised of 3 weekly lectures which will be 1 ½ - 2 hours in length. The lectures are provided to give you the information necessary to be successful in completing the program. In addition, you will receive information on organic foods, using food as medicine and green living.

All can participate except: pregnant or nursing mothers, those with a current diagnosis of kidney disease, cancer, liver disease, eating disorder.

Must be 18 to participate.

What: Winter cleanse, three part lecture series

When: Tuesdays January 12, 19, 26th (6:30pm to 8:30pm)

Where: AITC Bedford, NH

Cost: $125.00 for lecture, additional cost for supplements

For more information call: 603 660 9677 or email:

Live a less toxic life:

Restore energy . improve sleep . boost your immune system . lose weight . heal your body . sharpen mental clarity . lessen joint pain . eliminate headaches . decrease gas/bloating . nutrition advice . detox protocol . lecture series

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wet Sock Treatment by Bedford Naturopath Dr Kristen ODell

Here is a simple and effective way to help fight off a cold or quicken ones recovery from a cold.  
You can also do a similar treatment using a wet cotton t-shirt.   Read on! 

The wet sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row, or as instructed by your physician.


Sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.


Use with caution in diabetes, Raynaud’s phenomenon or syndrome, arterial insufficiency or advanced intermittent claudication. The warming phase is especially important for these patients. Please consult your physician.


1 pair white cotton socks

1 pair thick wool socks


Warm bath or warm foot bath


1.     Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them completely with cold water.  Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly so they do not drip.

2.     Warm your feet first.  This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first.  Soaking your feet in warm water for at least 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath for 5-10 minutes can accomplish warming.

3.     Dry off feet and body with a dry towel.

4.     Place cold wet socks on feet.  Cover with thick wool socks.  Go directly to bed.  Avoid getting chilled.

5.     Keep the socks on overnight. You will find that the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning. 

Effects of the Wet Sock Treatment

This treatment acts to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head, and throat.  It has a sedating action and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment.  This treatment is also effective for pain relief and increases the healing response during acute infections.


Dr. Douglas Lewis N.D.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Women Inspiring Women Panelist

I was invited to be a panelist for an event sponsored by Women Inspiring Women (WIW).  The President of WIW is Leslie Sturgeon.  
I didnt know what to expect but was excited about the opportunity to discuss naturopathic healthcare.  There were three other women on the panel, Kim Dorval a very talented dietician, Amy Gebo the Wellness Coordinator at Concord Hospital and Gina McGuire a nurse and fitness instructor from The Bod Squad.  
The event took place in Concord on the evening of July 30th and was a great success! 
We talked about all things health, from meditation to Vitamin D.  All four of us had our own top ten list and had a round table discussion regarding these items.
I was inspired after leaving the event.  It was uplifting and left me feeling recharged.  It was just another night reinforcing how much I love my profession and  how much I enjoy educating the public and hearing their concerns. 

I have included my top ten list below.  Of course this was just the tip of the iceberg, as we had an evolving conversation between the audience and all 4 healthcare practitioners. 
 I have also been told that the discussion will appear on youtube under wiwhealthpanel.  

1)    Understand what your blood work means

Normal or not, it is important to understand what all those little letters and acronyms mean on your blood work.  Do not accept a letter that states everything was normal.  Get a copy of your blood work for your own records, understand the reference range and understand what was tested and what your values are.


2)    Practice preventive care

I have enclosed a list of preventive tests that should be performed at certain milestones.  These are imperative to catch disease early in its progression.  Also, have a positive, trusting partnership with your healthcare provider.


3)    You know yourself the best

If, despite a full workup, you still don’t feel right, continue to search for an answer.  Don’t accept “we can’t find anything wrong with you” as the final word.


4)    Get checked for 25 OH Vitamin D levels

Living in the Northeast, we all run a high risk of being deficient in Vitamin D.

Clinically, I have tested 90% of my clients.  Of these patients, approximately 90% are deficient in Vitamin D.   Such deficiency can affect our bones, immune system, skin, cardiovascular health, risk for certain cancers and autoimmune disease.




5)    Understand the health benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

For this lecture, I am focusing on Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  These are found in cold water fish (salmon, anchovies, sardines, cod), walnuts, hemp and chia seeds.  Omega 3 Fatty Acids are anti-inflammatory and are useful for issues like joint pain, cardiovascular disease, skin conditions, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel, depression, mental illness.


6)    Stay hydrated

Dehydration can create a sense of hunger, inhibit weight loss and cause fatigue.  It also inhibits excretion of waste, increases recovery time from illness/exercise, increases risk of musculoskeletal injury, makes our skin age prematurely and leads to constipation.


7)    Make sure to have a healthy intake of fiber

Fiber is critical to stabilizing blood sugar, creating a sense of fullness and is a great aide in weight loss.  It decreases the risk of certain cancers, helps us to eliminate toxins, decrease cholesterol and feeds our healthy gut bacteria.


8)    Get enough sleep

Enough sleep is a minimum of 8 hours a night, uninterrupted.  Poor sleep patterns can lead to hormone irregularities (estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid, serotonin, etc.) Insomnia can also lead to weight gain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, lowered pain threshold, and worsening of most chronic illnesses.


9)    De-stress

Chronic stress creates a chronic release of many hormones, ones that negatively affect our mood, blood sugar, sleep and appetite.  It also increases inflammation and hastens the onset of illness or will worsen present illness.


10) Probiotics

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tract.  They are responsible for immune surveillance, making certain vitamins and nutrients, crowding out bad bacteria and yeast, helping to break down toxins, digestion and assimilation of nutrients.  They are imperative to take post-antibiotic treatment to replenish what was wiped out.  I always suggest probiotics to clients with digestive complaints, skin issues, autoimmune disorders, allergies, asthma and food sensitivities. 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Keeping Kids Healthy

Having two small children myself, I sometimes feel there is only a week or two between bouts of colds, sinus infections, sore throats, coughs, runny noses and the list goes on.  

I thought I would share my tips for keeping illness to a minimum and how to expedite healing.  

Teach children not to share certain personal items: combs, hats, brushes, chapsticks, sippy cups, water bottles, toothbrushes.  These items can transmit viruses like Mononucleosis, cold sores, as well as upper respiratory tract infections, common colds and lice.

Cough into their elbow or a tissue, not into their hands.  That way germs are not on hands that then touch doorknobs, sinks, as well as other peoples hands.

Wash hands upon return from school, before eating, after using the restroom and after shopping.  Also make sure to use disinfectant cloths to wipe areas of cart that your infant/toddler will be touching. 

 Adequate rest, child should wake without alarm, or wake easily.

            1-5 years old,  10-13 hours

            6-12 years old,  9-10 hours

            teens,  8-9 ½ hours, may increase while going through puberty

If ill, make sure to give enough time to recover.  I suggest adding an extra day of rest after child is 90-100% better.  Keep activities at a minimum and ensure adequate sleep.

Prevent illness with proper nutrition: 3 fruit servings a day and 3 vegetable servings a day

Exercise daily: playground, gym, after school programs, dance, outdoor games and activities. ½ hour -1 hour a day.  Dont exercise when ill.  This is a preventive measure.

Probiotics: taken while on antibiotics and for 3 months following.  Also probiotics will cut down length of illness as well as severity

 Consider adding a quality Multi-vitamin and additional Vitamin C  to support the immune system.  Cod Liver Oil is another suggestion as it contains essential fatty acids, immune stimulating Vitamin A and Vitamin D.  Many of us living in the Northeast are deficient in  Vitamin D.

Be aware of symptoms of stress:  headaches, belly aches, acting out, degression in coping mechanisms.  Give child extra time with parent, extra attention.  Stress weakens the immune system and will make the child more prone to catching a cold.

Keep children hydrated, not with fruit juice.  Hydrate with water first.  If child wants juice, cut it with 50-80% with water.  This is to prevent illness and to help one recover.

Let the child mount a fever, it is there to help eradicate the bacteria/virus.  Lowering a fever may prolong the illness.  However, there are limits to how high you want a temperature to rise.  This is age dependent, please consult your pediatrician for guidelines. 

 Avoid high fructose corn syrup, sugars.  These lower immune function and can cause an illness to last longer. Try not to give child ice pops, ice cream or high sugar foods during a cold.  Watch for sugar/HFCS added in places it is not necessary :  Ketchup, jelly, peanut butter, juice etc. 

Give lots of snuggle time, hugs, kisses, and attention.  There's a good chance, as an adult, you are already immune to more than half the colds our children are contracting.  Then again, sometimes the caretaker falls victim.  If so, see above list!


Top 10 Tips for Losing Weight

by Bedford Naturopath , Dr. Kristen ODell

Quite often, I will be winding down a visit with a client and they will say: "one last thing, any suggestions on how to lose weight?"  As most people know, weight loss is more complicated than creating a deficit of calories (burning more than you are consuming).  Weight loss techniques can vary from person to person.  However, I do believe there are a few basic tenements that are helpful for losing weight in a healthy manner.   So here my two cents:


Stop eating 3 hours before you go to sleep.  This allows your body to repair and restore during sleep instead of digesting food, which interferes with a good nights sleep.

Eat a high fiber diet.  Shoot for 25-20 grams of fiber a day.  Fiber fills us up, slows down digestion, promotes a healthy digestive system, lowers cholesterol, and stabilizes blood sugar.  Fiber also binds to toxins which can then be eliminated in our stool.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.  Dinner should not be our largest meal.  If you want to lose weight, limit dinner to vegetables and a protein and skip the starch all together.

Drink 64 ounces of water a day.  Sometimes when a person is dehydrated, the body sends out a signal that is confused as hunger.  Drink a glass of water if you think you are hungry then wait a few minutes to see if that signal disappears.  You might just be dehydrated.

Do not skip meals.  Our metabolism is our internal fire.  If you do not put logs or fuel into the fire, it will not burn.  Try not to allow more than 4 hours without at least a snack. 

Eat in a parasympathetic state, this means in a calm environment with the purpose of nourishing your body.  The body was not designed to eat/digest under pressure, when rushed or anxious.  Digestion works best when in  a calm, undistracted  state.

Chew each bite 20-30 times.  Your food should be liquefied before it is swallowed.  This allows for increased surface area so the gut can absorb the nutrients from our food.  This also usually leads to consuming less calories.  

Eat slowly, it takes 20-25 minutes for our body to get a signal that it is full.  If you are finished eating in 15 minutes, you wont realize you’ve overeaten until 10 minutes after you have completed your meal.

Avoid saturated fats, processed foods, artificial sugars, fried foods, sodas.  These are empty calories without any health benefits.

Exercise!  I hope that is a given.   Exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week.  You need to break a sweat and elevate your heart rate.  It is most beneficial to include weight training into your exercise routine.  One pound of fat burns 2 calories per day where a pound of muscle burns 22-25 calories per day.  

Remember, losing weight is meant to be a lifestyle change not a short term solution!